
What Does Prefix Kilo Mean

Decimal unit prefix in the metric system

Kilo is a decimal unit prefix in the metric system denoting multiplication by 1000 (tenthree). Information technology is used in the International System of Units, where it has the symbol k, in lowercase.

The prefix kilo is derived from the Greek word χίλιοι ( chilioi ), significant "thou".

In 19th century English it was sometimes spelled chilio, in line with a puristic opinion by Thomas Young.[1] [2] As an opponent of suggestions to introduce the metric system in Uk, he qualified the nomenclature adopted in France as barbarous.

Examples [edit]

  • ane kilogram (kg) is yard grams
  • one kilometre (km) is grand metres
  • i kilojoule (kJ) is 1000 joules
  • one kilolitre (kL) is one thousand litres
  • one kilobaud (kBd) is 1000 baud
  • one kilohertz (kHz) is 1000 hertz
  • one kilobit (kb) is thou bits
  • ane kilobyte (kB) is thou bytes
  • i kiloohm is (kΩ) is 1000 ohms
  • one kilosecond (ks) is chiliad seconds
  • 1 kilotonne (kt) is one thousand tonnes

Past extension, currencies are as well sometimes preceded by the prefix kilo-:

  • ane kiloeuro (k€) is 1000 euros
  • one kilodollar (thou$) is one thousand dollars

kilobyte [edit]

For the kilobyte, a second definition has been in common apply in some fields of computer scientific discipline and information engineering. It uses kilobyte to mean iiten bytes (= 1024 bytes), because of the mathematical coincidence that 210 is approximately xiii. The reason for this application is that digital hardware and architectures natively apply base ii exponentiation, and not decimal systems. JEDEC memory standards still permit this definition, but acknowledge the right SI usage.

NIST comments on the confusion caused by these contrasting definitions: "Faced with this reality, the IEEE Standards Board decided that IEEE standards will use the conventional, internationally adopted, definitions of the SI prefixes", instead of kilo for 1024.[3] To accost this disharmonize, a new set of binary prefixes has been introduced, which is based on powers of 2. Therefore, 1024 bytes are defined as one kibibyte (i KiB).

Exponentiation [edit]

When units occur in exponentiation, such as in square and cubic forms, any multiplier prefix is considered function of the unit of measurement, and thus included in the exponentiation.

  • 1 km2 ways 1 square kilometre or the expanse of a foursquare that measures 1000 chiliad on each side or 10vi m2 (as opposed to 1000 square meters, which is the area of a square that measures 31.half-dozen grand on each side).
  • ane kmthree ways 1 cubic kilometre or the book of a cube that measures 1000 m on each side or 109 thousandthree (as opposed to 1000 cubic meters, which is the book of a cube that measures ten thou on each side).

Encounter also [edit]

  • milli- (changed of kilo- prefix, denoting a gene of 1/chiliad)
  • kibi- (binary prefix, denoting a factor of 1024)
  • RKM lawmaking

References [edit]

  1. ^ Brewster, David (1832). The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Vol. 12 (1st American ed.). Joseph and Edward Parker. Retrieved 2015-10-09 .
  2. ^ Dingler, Johann Gottfried (1823). Polytechnisches Journal (in German language). Vol. 11. Stuttgart, Germany: J.Due west. Gotta'schen Buchhandlung. Retrieved 2015-10-09 .
  3. ^ Definition of binary prefixes at NIST
Prefix Base of operations 10 Decimal English discussion Adoption[nb one]
Name Symbol Short scale Long scale
yotta Y 1024 1000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 septillion quadrillion 1991
zetta Z x21 one000 000 000 000 000 000 000 sextillion trilliard 1991
exa E 1018 1000 000 000 000 000 000 quintillion trillion 1975
peta P tenxv 1000 000 000 000 000 quadrillion billiard 1975
tera T 1012 1000 000 000 000 trillion billion 1960
giga G x9 1000 000 000 billion milliard 1960
mega M 106 1000 000 1000000 1873
kilo k 10iii i000 yard 1795
hecto h x2 100 hundred 1795
deca da 10one 10 ten 1795
100 i one
deci d 10−1 0.1 tenth 1795
centi c ten−2 0.01 hundredth 1795
milli thousand x−3 0.001 thousandth 1795
micro μ 10−6 0.000001 millionth 1873
nano n 10−ix 0.000000 001 billionth milliardth 1960
pico p 10−12 0.000000 000 001 trillionth billionth 1960
femto f 10−15 0.000000 000 000 001 quadrillionth billiardth 1964
atto a 10−18 0.000000 000 000 000 001 quintillionth trillionth 1964
zepto z x−21 0.000000 000 000 000 000 001 sextillionth trilliardth 1991
yocto y 10−24 0.000000 000 000 000 000 000 001 septillionth quadrillionth 1991
  1. ^ Prefixes adopted earlier 1960 already existed earlier SI. The introduction of the CGS system was in 1873.

What Does Prefix Kilo Mean,


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