
How To Stretch The Scalene Muscles

Got a pain in the cervix? Yep that could exist your scalene. Learn how to stretch & strengthen the scalene to relive tension and forbid farther pain.

Working for long-hours, sleeping on stomach, carrying heavy backpacks or fifty-fifty excessive coughing tin injure scalene (A group of 3 pairs of muscles in the lateral neck).

This can cause Myofascial Pain Syndrome which is very common. It is described equally hurting which originates over the neck area and radiates downwardly to the arm causing deep, aching or called-for pain.

However, if you're suffering from any blazon of neck hurting, this commodity will help you to have more than clarity over your condition. We will swoop deep into this bailiwick, discovering the anatomy of neck, describing the structure of scalene muscles and how yous tin can actually relief this pain through stretching and exercising.

Without any further ado, let's get started.


Part of this group are: scalenus anterior, scalenus medius and scalenus posterior. Which only ways the front middle and back scalene muscles.

Sometimes a fourth muscle, the scalenus minimus is present behind the lower portion of the scalenus anterior.

The brachial plexus and subclavian avenue pass betwixt the anterior and eye scalenes, while the subclavian vein and phrenic nerve pass anteriorly to the anterior scalene as the muscle crosses over the kickoff rib.

Let's run across them in more details

Anterior scalene

The anterior scalene musculus, lies deeply at the side of the neck, behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Information technology arises from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the tertiary, quaternary, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae, and descending, well-nigh vertically, is inserted by a narrow, flat tendon into the scalene tubercle on the inner border of the offset rib, and into the ridge on the upper surface of the second rib in front end of the subclavian groove. It is supplied past the anterior ramus of cervical nerve 5 and 6.

Middle scalene

The middle scalene, is the largest and longest of the iii scalene muscles. The middle scalene arises from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the lower six cervical vertebrae. Information technology descends along the side of the vertebral column to insert by a broad attachment into the upper surface of the first rib, posterior to the subclavian groove. The brachial plexus and the subclavian artery pass anterior to it.

Posterior scalene

The posterior scalene, is the smallest and most deeply seated of the scalene muscles.

It arises, by two or three separate tendons, from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the lower 2 or three cervical vertebrae, and is inserted by a thin tendon into the outer surface of the second rib, backside the attachment of the anterior scalene. It is supplied by cervical fretfulness C5, C6 and C7. Information technology is occasionally blended with the heart scalene.

Scalene minimus

A fourth muscle, the scalenus minimus (Sibson's musculus), is sometimes present backside the lower portion of the inductive scalene.


The anterior and centre scalene muscles lifts the first rib and bends the neck to the same side as the interim musculus; the posterior scalene lifts the second rib and tilts the neck to the same side.

Because they drag the upper ribs they also human activity as accessory muscles of respiration, along with the sternocleidomastoids.

Lookout this video for amend understanding:

Myofascial Hurting & The SCALENE MUSCLES

It' called MPS – Myofascial Pain Syndrome. This status is often misdiagnosed with cervical disc herniation, cervical stenosis and thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), as most of these conditions are associated with cervix pain and pain radiation to the arm.

This painful syndrome causes the musculus to become weak and stiff, leading to reductions in range of movement. Thus, MPS has a significant impact on daily activity, function and quality of life.

The skillful news is that Myofascial pain is treatable. The bad news is that often, due to lack of awareness among clinicians this syndrome is not treated the right way. The near common feature of MPS, are trigger points.

Trigger Points & MPS

Trigger points, one of the main characteristics of MPS, are considered to exist hyperirritable. These points are painful on compression and tin produce referred pain, referred tenderness, and fifty-fifty autonomic phenomena.

Referred pain and tenderness occur when pain is referred to remote sites from compression of a myofascial trigger point. For example, pain from compression of trigger points in the scalene muscles of the neck may exist felt in the hand.

Myofascial trigger points of different muscles are associated with their ain feature pain pattern; thus, the unique distribution of pain can assist the clinician to correctly make up one's mind which muscles are affected by MPS.

MPS trigger points tin exist classified as active or inactive. An active trigger point causes spontaneous hurting and is associated with radiating hurting. Inactive trigger points are tender only not spontaneously painful.

They usually are found in asymptomatic patients and can cause stiffness and limit range of motion.

A number of studies advise that inactive trigger points can be commonly found in the shoulder-girdle muscles of 45% to 55% of asymptomatic young adults.

Inactive trigger points tin be a upshot of active trigger points that have been suppressed with treatment. They also can develop into active trigger points equally a result of psychological stress, muscle tension, and physical factors such every bit poor posture.


MPS has become a major cause of time lost from work, resulting in a loss of millions of dollars from the economy.


  • Unilateral neck and shoulder hurting
  • Difficulty sleeping due to pain
  • A tender knot in a muscle
  • Pain that persists or worsens
  • Pain that persists or worsens
  • Trigger points that activate the hurting
  • Headaches
  • Bad posture such every bit hunching, shoulder rounding, or forward caput posture (not aligned with spine)

Treating MPS with scalene stretches.

Here's how:

  1. Lower and anchor the shoulder of the side to be stretched past placing that side's mitt nether your buttock
  2. Bring the opposite manus over your head so that your fingers brand contact with the top of the ear.
  3. Gently pull the head and neck and then that it tilts to the opposite side of the side you desire to stretch, relaxing your neck muscles every bit you do and then. Try to pull your ear downward to your shoudler.

Now, you will rotate your head, and the degree of rotation will determine which scalene is targeted.

Posterior Scalene Stretch

To target the posterior scalene, plough your face toward the arm that is pulling

Anterior Scalene stretch

To target the inductive scalene, turn your face abroad from the pulling arm.

Medial scalene stretch

To target the middle scalene, wait direct upward at the ceiling, or just slightly toward the pulling arm.

Concentrate your efforts on the muscle that feels the tightest when you rotate your head to target that muscle.

Hold the stretch for around six to 7 2d.


Scalene PNF strengthening

To strength scalene sit in a comfortable chair.

  1. Place the palm of your right hand on the right side of your head. This hand acts equally a stabilizer in the practice.
  2. Brainstorm to move your right ear toward your right shoulder while maintaining the resistance provided by your right hand.
  3. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.

By strengthening the scalene musculus y'all will increase your ability to stabilize your cervical spine, which reduces the risk of a hereafter injury.

Strengthen the scalene exercise #two

  1. Sit down or stand straight with a resistance band looped effectually your head.
  2. Concord the ends of the band firmly to one side ensuring there is some tension in the band.
  3. Pull the band abroad from your head, resisting the movement past keeping your head in a neutral position.
  4. Hold this position, relax and echo.

Cocky Massage For The Posterior Scalenes

Muscles in the front and side of the neck can get congested and cause tension into the shoulders, arm and chest. You can gently cocky-massage these muscles using a large soft spiky massage ball.

Lying on the floor and using a rolled up yoga mat to elevator the ball off the basis and apply gentle force through the brawl into the tissue. Taking the neck into flexion, extension and rotation gently utilize pressure to release nerve fibres from sticky fascia and tight muscle tissue.

You tin move the arm into different positions to help floss the fibres over the surface of the spiky massage ball. Go easy to commencement with and terminate if you feel annihilation which is sharp or electric.

Massage Variation For Anterior Scalene

This self-massage for the scalene is another neat way to relieve hurting around the collarbone and deep inside the top of the shoulder.

If you get arm numbness while sleeping or while your arm is overhead, this is a style for you to reduce that tingling downwards the arm.

Massage this muscle for thirty-90 seconds in various spots, starting by pressing downward right backside the collarbone and working up the side of the neck.

Brand sure to keep your posture upright, reaching the top of your caput to the ceiling, and pulling both of your shoulders DOWN.

While pushing on the scalene with your fingers, take a deep jiff, then side bend the head while exhaling.

You do not need to slide your fingers on your peel. If y'all exercise, apply some balm to permit the fingers to glide. You are welcome to use tools similar the theracane, a lacrosse ball, a barbell, etc to get into the neck, but for a quick massage while yous are on the go, only use your fingers!

Always consult your doctor or doctor before trying any new type of stretching or exercises.

Let me know if these stretches and exercises helped you with your neck pain. If y'all need some motivation or personal feedback bring together me for a course.

In happiness and health,

Vanessa Barthelmes.

Cheque out my flexibility classes and online coaching.

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